Auszeichnungen für Veröffentlichungen des ISDL-Lehrstuhls
Internet Research Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence (Outstanding Paper Award)
Wirth, J., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Laziness as an explanation for the privacy paradox: a longitudinal empirical investigation
Internet Research (32:1), p. 24-54, (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: k.R.)
View AbstractPurpose
“Smart devices think you're “too lazy” to opt out of privacy defaults” was the headline of a recent news report indicating that individuals might be too lazy to stop disclosing their private information and therefore to protect their information privacy. In current privacy research, privacy concerns and self-disclosure are central constructs regarding protecting privacy. One might assume that being concerned about protecting privacy would lead individuals to disclose less personal information. However, past research has shown that individuals continue to disclose personal information despite high privacy concerns, which is commonly referred to as the privacy paradox. This study introduces laziness as a personality trait in the privacy context, asking to what degree individual laziness influences privacy issues.
After conceptualizing, defining and operationalizing laziness, the authors analyzed information collected in a longitudinal empirical study and evaluated the results through structural equation modeling.
The findings show that the privacy paradox holds true, yet the level of laziness influences it. In particular, the privacy paradox applies to very lazy individuals but not to less lazy individuals.
Research limitations/implications
With these results one can better explain the privacy paradox and self-disclosure behavior.
Practical implications
The state might want to introduce laws that not only bring organizations to handle information in a private manner but also make it as easy as possible for individuals to protect their privacy.
Based on a literature review, a clear research gap has been identified, filled by this research study.
Best Paper Award
Valta, M., Menzel, J., Maier, C., Pflügner, K., Meier, M., and Weitzel, T.
Digital Nudging: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Atlanta (GA), United States
View AbstractDigital nudging is omnipresent in users’ daily lives and constantly influences decisions in digital choice environments that require users to make decisions such as web-based forms or mobile apps. It uses interface design elements and aims to guide users' behavior in specific directions. So far, there is quite a lot of research in that stream, whereby each article focuses on one specific context in which digital nudging is applied. To assist researchers and practitioners that aim to study or design information systems, we provide an overview of existent research in that stream. Following the groundedtheory method, we categorize 88 publications and reveal ten forms and five contexts of digital nudging. We also provide an overview of relationships between forms of digital nudging and their contexts. Our findings contribute to digital nudging research by offering an in-depth and structured overview of existing research and future research directions.
Kauffman Best Paper Award
Mittermeier, F., Hund, A., and Beimborn, D.
Entrepreneurial Support Systems in the Digital Era: A Taxonomy of Digital Company Builders.
Proceedings of the 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Minneapolis (MN), United States
View AbstractNew venture creation is at the core of entrepreneurship and regarded as the source of innovations and new employment. However, despite the potential that digitization bears for innovation and entrepreneurship, the failure rate of start-ups is still very high. In this context, digital company builders (DCBs) are becoming increasingly important as a new form of entrepreneurial support. Based on a multiple case study with ten DCBs we iteratively developed a taxonomy consisting of 13 dimensions, which describe how such organizations provide what kind of support to whom. Based on this taxonomy, we further grouped the cases into four main types of digital company building. These results may provide researchers a tool to systematically compare different entrepreneurial support systems, help both entrepreneurs and incumbents decide which support system is best suited to their individual needs, and furthermore be useful to the owners of DCBs themselves in their strategic positioning.
Best Paper Nominee
Pflügner, K.
Technostress Management at the Workplace: A Systematic Literature Review.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nürnberg, Germany
View AbstractTechnostress is a major problem for employees and organizations, as it impairs employee health and weakens organizational performance. Therefore, it is relevant to effectively manage technostress and reveal ways for mitigating the adverse consequences. Seeing that previous studies on technostress management have provided a foundation for review work, we conduct a systematic literature review and integrate the scholarly findings of 22 research articles of different disciplines on technostress management strategies at the workplace. Our work provides an overview of technostress management strategies highlighting that technostress management strategies address the user, the technological, organizational, or the social environment. Moreover, we shed light on discipline-specific investigations of technostress management and derive five distinct avenues for future research. Our work thereby guides researchers to fill the identified research gaps and extend the understanding of ways for mitigating technostress.
ISJ’s top cited paper in 2022
Tarafdar, M., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Explaining the link between technostress and technology addiction for social networking sites: A study of distraction as a coping behavior
Information Systems Journal (ISJ) 30:1, 96-124, (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: A)
View AbstractThis paper investigates under what conditions stress from the use of SNS is linked to addiction to the use of the same SNS. Integrating three theoretical strands-the concept of feature‐rich Information Technology (IT), the theory of technology frames, and distraction as a coping behaviour-we theorize two types of coping behaviours in response to stressors experienced from the use of SNS. These are ‐ distraction through use of the same SNS and distraction through activities outside the use of the SNS. We hypothesize relationships between stressors from SNS use, the two coping behaviours and SNS addiction. We further articulate the role of SNS use habit. We test the hypotheses through a three‐wave survey of 444 Facebook users with data collected at three different points in time. The paper's contributions are to theorize and empirically validate the psychological concept of distraction as a coping behaviour in response to stress from the use of SNS and, in doing so, explain why there may be a link between technostress from and technology addiction to the use of the same SNS.
Highly Recommended Paper Award
Mattke, J., Maier, C., Weitzel, T., and Thatcher, J.B.
Qualitative comparative analysis in the information systems discipline: a literature review and methodological recommendations
Internet Research (31:5), p.1493-1517, (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: k.R.)
View AbstractQualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a promising, powerful method that is increasingly used for IS research. However, the Information Systems (IS) discipline still lacks a shared understanding of how to conduct and report QCA. This paper introduces the fundamental concepts of QCA, summarizes the status quo, and derives recommendations for future research.
A descriptive literature review in major IS outlets summarizes how and why QCA has been used in the IS discipline, critically evaluates the status quo, and derives recommendations for future QCA studies.
The literature review reveals 32 empirical research articles in major IS journals that have used the QCA method. Articles applied QCA to a broad range of research topics at the individual and organizational levels, mainly as a standalone analysis for theory development, elaboration and testing. The authors also provide evidence that most published IS research articles do not take full advantage of the potential QCA, such as analyzing necessary causal conditions or testing the robustness of QCA results. The authors provide seven actionable recommendations for future IS research using QCA.
Claudio Ciborra Award Nominee
Meier, M., Maier, C., Reis, L., and Weitzel, T.
Amazon Prime Video Yesterday, Netflix Today: Explaining Subscribers' Switching Behavior from a Retrospective
Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesch, Marokko
View AbstractVideo-on-demand (VoD) services attract millions of subscribers around the globe. Despite their popularity, practice shows the interesting behavior of subscribers of VoD services switching regularly between different providers, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. To sustain their revenues due to subscriptions, providers need to understand the reasons why subscribers switched to other VoD services. While existing research with a prospective point of view explains that users develop switching intentions between different services because of, for instance, dissatisfaction, there is scant research on their actual switching behavior from a retrospective. By analyzing interviews with 23 subscribers that switched VoD services, findings reveal five switching causes and three switching barriers that together explain switching behavior between VoD services. With that, the findings contribute to switching research by identifying switching causes and switching barriers, zooming in on causes of subscribers’ dissatisfaction with VoD services, and studying switching behavior from a retrospective.
Best Paper Award
Pflügner, K., Baumann, A., and Maier, C.
Managerial Technostress: A Qualitative Study on Causes and Consequences
Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research
View AbstractTechnostress is widespread among employees in modern work life. While research has identified the causes and consequences of technostress for the general working population, insights into how managers perceive technostress, i.e. managerial technostress, remains scarce. However, these insights are relevant as there are indications that the causes and consequences of technostress for managers are different than for non-managerial employees, for instance because they perceive divergent demands and resources at work related to their hierarchical status. We conduct a qualitative interview study with 20 managers and examine the relevance of multiple techno-stressors for managers as well as their adverse psychological and physical consequences. The results indicate that techno-overload and techno-complexity are high among managers. Results also show that techno-overload and techno-invasion are specifically demanding for managers compared to non-managerial employees, while techno-insecurity is not an issue for managers. We contribute to technostress research by revealing that the techno-stressors are differently relevant for managers, by highlighting which techno-stressors need to be addressed for managers by mitigation strategies. We also show that there are short-term as well as long-term consequences of techno-stressors among managers which both should be considered.
SIG GTM Best Paper Award Nominee
Oehlhorn, C., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Human resource management and its impact on strategic business-IT alignment: A literature review and avenues for future research
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (29:4), , (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: A )
View AbstractFrom an information systems perspective, organizations striving to leverage a strategic alignment between Information Technology (IT) and business areas often underestimate the role of human resource management in creating business value. This literature review analyzes 71 scholarly articles to assess the role of human resource management in supporting the strategic alignment between business and IT. We identify the organizational role of individual human resources in strategic alignment, their contribution to more effective strategic alignment, and how human resource management supports such contribution. Based on these insights, we formulate propositions and identify avenues for future research.
Best Short Paper in Track “IS in the Workplace and the Future of Work”
Oehlhorn, C., Laumer, S., Maier, C., and Weitzel, T.
Gender Diversity in IT: A Case Study on Sustainably Successful Interventions
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India
(Research in Progress)
View AbstractOur research draws on the persistent issue of sustaining women in the IT domain and the related achievement of more gender diversity. We recognize that the strategic challenge goes beyond just finding and keeping more female IT professionals through single, stand-alone measures. Instead, the development of successful and sustainable diversity strategies as well as long-term talent pipelines is required. We conduct case studies with multiple organizations that obtained significant results in the context of increasing gender diversity. In line with research on the career development of female IT professionals and established human resource management functions, we present initial results on how to develop and implement sustainably successful strategies. The contributions for IS research on female IT professionals and IT human resource management as well as valuable implications for executives of our research are provided.
Best Paper Award
Pflügner, K., Reis, L., Maier, C., and Weitzel, T.
Communication Measures to Reduce Techno-Invasion and Techno-Overload: A Qualitative Study Uncovering Positive and Adverse Effects
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Nuremberg, Germany
View AbstractThe perception of specific techno-stressors, such as techno- invasion or techno-overload, negatively influences employees' performance and organizations' profit. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to implement specific, deliberate mitigation strategies. Among others, communication measures have the potential to reduce employees' perception of techno-invasion and techno-overload. Basing on 38 semi-structured interviews with working employees, this study identifies five communication measures and their positive and adverse effects in reducing techno-invasion and techno-overload from the perspective of employees. Enlarging related research on technostress mitigation, the results show that none of the analyzed communication measures is limitation-free. Therefore, we conclude that organizations need to introduce more elected and comprehensive communication measures, representing employees' individual needs and characteristics to reduce techno-invasion and techno-overload sustainably. Theoretically, our research enlarges prior findings on technostress and on mitigation of technostress presenting specific mitigation strategies for two specific techno-stressors as well as positive and adverse effects of these mitigation strategies.
Best Paper Award
Müller, L., Mattke, J., and Weitzel, T.
Not Talking to Robo-Doc: A QCA Study Examining Patients' Resistance to Chatbots for Anamnesis
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT) (Pre-ICIS Workshop), Munich, Germany
View AbstractThe usage of chatbots in healthcare is rising, due to significant cost and time savings. A promising use case is the automation of the time-intensive anamnesis, however many patients are unwilling to share their personal health records with a chatbot. This paper examins patients' resistance to using a chatbot for anamnesis. We base on status quo bias perspective and its provided influencing factors and use a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to identify configurations, thus conjunctions of the factors that when working together lead to patients' resistance of using a chatbot for anamnesis. The identified three configurations contribute to chatbot research, examining causes for resistance instead of acceptance and resistance research, identifying typologies of patients, who resist using a chatbot for anmanesis. We also provide useful insights for healthcare facilities thinking about the implementation of a chatbot for anamnesis.
Best Paper Nominee
Oehlhorn, C., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Attracting Young IT Professionals: An Empirical Study Using the Theory of Attractive Quality
Proceedings of the 2019 on ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Nashville (TN), USA
View AbstractAttracting and recruiting qualified information technology (IT) professionals remains one key issue for executives for numerous years. The so-called war for IT talent illustrates the hard competition of employers for well-educated IT professionals who develop and advance future technologies. Thus, employers are required to court the young professionals' attention to recruit the best of them. Previous research lists certain attractiveness attributes but leaves their interrelations open. We therefore evaluate established attractiveness attributes referring to the Theory of Attractive Quality. To answer the research question? What attracts young IT professionals to an employer?' we conduct an empirical study surveying 223 young IT professionals and evaluate 24 attractiveness attributes that employers should or even need to provide in order to recruit young IT professionals.
Best Paper Award
Pflügner, K., Mattke, J., and Maier, C.
Who is Stressed by Using ICTs? A Qualitative Comparison Analysis with the Big Five Personality Traits to Understand Technostress
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Germany
View AbstractThe purpose of the current study is to reveal personality profiles that predispose to the experience of techno-stressors within an organizational setting. These insights are useful because techno-stressors lead to considerable costs and adverse health effects. We use the theoretical lens of the transaction-based model of stress to study the effect of the Big Five personality traits on techno-stressors. We distributed a self-rating questionnaire among 221 individuals and analyzed data using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparison Analysis. The results reveal that six different personality profiles lead to the experience of techno-stressors. The study contributes to research by revealing that personality traits need to be investigated in profiles when studying their role in technostress and that different profiles of the Big Five predispose to techno-stressors. The results are useful for practitioners as they allow the prevention of techno-stressors and negative consequences by detecting users who are at risk at an early stage.
Best Paper Award
Buettner, R., Sauer, S., Maier, C., and Eckhardt, A.
Real-time Prediction of User Performance based on Pupillary Assessment via Eye Tracking
International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (10:1), 26-56, (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: A )
View AbstractWe propose a method to predict user performance based on eye-tracking. The method uses eye-tracking-based pupillometry to capture pupil diameter data and calculates -based on a Random Forest algorithm - user performance expectations. We conducted a large-scale experimental evaluation (125 participants aged from 21 to 61 years) and found promising results that pave the way for a dynamic real-time adaption of IT to a user's mental effort and expected user performance. We have already achieved a good classification accuracy of user performance after only 40 seconds (5% of the mean total trial time that our participants took to complete our experiment). The non-invasive contact-free method can be applied cost-efficiently both in research and practical environments.
Best Paper Nominee
Weinert, C.
Coping with Discrepant Information Technology Events: a Literature Review
Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, England
View AbstractCoping theory has been used to explain and predict the behaviors of users facing discrepant information technology (IT) events, i.e., unexpected, negative events that occur due to problems and difficulties when using such technology. However, researchers have examined coping by using a vast array of conceptualizations, discrepant IT events, coping strategies, and behaviors, which have led to considerable het-erogeneity in the existing literature. Therefore, the present paper demonstrates the results of a comprehensive literature review, identifying and analyzing 27 relevant investigations. The present literature review contributes to the literature by identifying six theoretical implications: (1) coping literature can subdivided into research streams on technostress, IT adoption and usage, and IT security, (2) the literature disagrees about the antecedents of coping strategies, (3) coping strategies are heterogeneous, (4) coping strategies show interdependences, (5) coping strategies show paradoxical effects, and (6) development of a framework of coping with discrepant IT events. In addition, the paper proposes new directions for future coping research for all three identified research streams.
Nominated for Best Paper
Laumer, S., Gubler, F., Maier, C., and Weitzel, T.
Job Seekers' Acceptance of Job Recommender Systems: Results of an Empirical Study
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa, Hawaii
View AbstractBased on UTAUT2 and the importance of trust to explain user behavior in relation to recommender systems, we focus on job recommender systems by developing and validating a job recommender system acceptance model. The results of our empirical, survey-based study with 440 job seekers indicate that beside performance expectancy and habit, trust is among the three most important determinants and it is especially relevant for women, passive job seekers and those without experience in using job recommender systems. The paper extends general trust and recommender system research by revealing three moderators for the trust and intention relationship. It contextualizes the UTAUT2 by incorporating trust as an antecedent of a consumer's intention to use and by revealing three moderating effects for this relationship. Hence, it is the basis for further studies investigating the acceptance of job recommender system, which has rather been neglected by prior research.
Best Paper Nominee
Mattke, J., Müller, L., Maier, C., and Weitzel, T.
Engagement with Social Ads: Explaining the Influence of Herding in Social Media Advertising
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT) (Pre-ICIS Workshop), Seoul, South Korea
(Research in Progress)
View AbstractSocial media uses social ads that are enriched with social media likes (SMLs). Yet, existing research on advertising cannot explain how SMLs influence individuals' engagement with social ads. We build upon herding literature and the theory of the strengths of ties and explain how the observation of social ads enriched with SMLs influences individuals' intention to engage with the social ad. This paper explains the effect 1) of the pure number of SMLs of a social ad and 2) the effect of SMLs from strongly or weakly tied friends on individuals' engagement with social ads. We thereby contribute to a better understanding why individuals click on social ads and provide practical implications for social media marketing' campaigns.
Nominated for the Most Innovative Short Paper Award
Wirth, J., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Understanding Privacy Threat Appraisal and Coping Appraisal through Mindfulness
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea
(Research in Progress)
View AbstractIndividuals differ in their motivation to protect their privacy. When facing privacy threats, individuals evaluate the threat (threat appraisal) and the extent they can cope with it (coping appraisal) which, in turn, influences their protection motivation. Hence, better understanding both appraisals helps us to better understand an important part of privacy behavior. We introduce the concept of mindfulness to explain privacy threat and coping appraisals. Mindfulness is hypothesized to increase both, threat appraisal and coping appraisal. A quantitative study is to be carried out to examine our hypotheses. We expect to contribute to the privacy literature by demonstrating how different levels of threat appraisal and coping appraisal are formed.
Best Paper Award Nominee
Laumer, S.
Information Quality Dimensions: Two exploratory Case Studies with Enterprise Content Management System Users
Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul
View AbstractUsing two explorative case studies we theorize in this paper about information quality as one variable of the IS success model explaining user satisfaction. We derive four dimensions of information quality which have a diverse and unique impact on user satisfaction: information characteristics, information access and security, information format, and task-information fit. Moreover, we identify contextual factors such as the pace of information change and update, legal and compliance requirements, and employees' skills which determine the importance of each dimensions for explaining user satisfaction. This more nuanced view of information quality as one component of the IS success model enables a better guidance of organizations in improving information quality to increase user satisfaction. Therefore, several organizational interventions are discussed that can be used to improve information quality by focusing on each of the four unique information quality dimensions separately.
One of the 5 most highly cited papers published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Maier, C., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Analyzing the impact of HRIS implementations on HR personnel's job satisfaction and turnover intention
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (22:3), p. 193-207, (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: A )
View AbstractAn in-depth case of an e-Recruiting system implementation is used while focusing on the level of Human Resource (HR) employees to research unintended consequences during the implementation of Human Resources Information Systems (HRISs). We develop a model that integrates the belief and attitude component of the technology acceptance literature with work-related consequences. We provide evidence for an indirect effect of attitudes toward the HRIS on turnover intention that is fully mediated by job satisfaction. Our results contribute to the literature on systems implementations and technology adoption by suggesting work-related outcomes as important additional success variables.
Best Paper Nominee
Weinert, C., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
What happens when users are not able to perform coping mechanisms? An investigation of the habituation process
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT) (Pre-ICIS Workshop), Forth Worth, TX, USA
(Research in Progress)
View AbstractIn some situations individuals are unable to perform coping mechanisms against technostress because of low controllability and resources. Thereby, they are repeatedly exposed to technology-related stimuli named IT-stressors, which should result in several user responses such as emotional exhaustion, physiological arousal, and poor performance. However, in these situations individuals might habituate to the IT-stressor such that the user responses are mitigated. We assume that the influence of the IT-stressor on emotional exhaustion, physiological arousal, and performance is moderated by this habituation effect. Therefore, we propose an experimental setting in which individuals are repeatedly exposed to a computer breakdown to which they might get used to over time. During the experiment, we draw on self-reporting and objective methods to capture user responses after each exposure to the IT-stressor, in order to analyze the change of the user responses across time. Thereby, we expect the results to contribute to technostress and coping literature.
Best Industry Paper
Kloppenburg, M., Kettenbohrer, J., Beimborn, D., and Bögle, M.
Leading 20,000+ employees by a process-oriented management system - insights to process management at Lufthansa Technik Group
Proceedings of the 13th Business Process Management Workshops (used to be: Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM)), Innsbruck, Austria
View AbstractAs technical division of the Lufthansa Group, Lufthansa Technik and its 30 subsidiaries have to fulfill a wide variety of legislative and normative requirements. To demonstrate and ensure compliance with these requirements, Lufthansa Technik introduced the process-oriented integrated management system IQ MOVE and modeled a wide range of its processes in a plain and simple to understand methodology. Primary target group of the system are the employees who shall find all relevant procedures quickly and easily. To achieve this vision, the system is designed to increase involvement of all relevant roles (i.e., process owners, process architects, process managers, employees, and process modelers) into the creation of the content. A complementary governance model, the Framework for Assignment of Responsibilities (FAR+), enables a clear assignment of process management tasks and thus helps trengthen process management abilities and sustainability of their implementation. Based on IQ MOVE, Lufthansa Technik is able to facilitate process standardization and to lead 20,000+ employees around the world in a process-oriented way.
Best Paper Proceedings
Jentsch, C., Beimborn, D., Jungnickl, C., and Renner, G.
How to Measure Shared Understanding among Business and IT
Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia (PA)
View AbstractA high level of shared understanding between business and IT is a critical success factor for effective IT usage in organizations. Hence, many studies in the Information Systems field have included shared business/IT understanding as a determinant in their research models. Most studies use a very compact instrument, measuring, typically, a one-dimensional construct that only addresses single facets of the overall concept. While most of these studies fulfill statistical validation requirements, content validity of the construct is seldom addressed. In this paper, we propose that more cognitive methods are needed to develop measures for complex constructs like shared understanding. The goal of our study is the development of a content validity proven survey instrument that measures the degree of shared business/IT understanding in a multi-faceted manner. In this paper, we adopt an innovative method of content validation by comparing survey results with data from a cognitive measurement approach (Repertory Grid Technique). We provide results from two studies: one experiment with students and a pilot field study with practitioners. After further refinements, the resulting instrument can support research on shared business/IT understanding and practitioners who aim at monitoring the relationship between business and IT units in their organizations.
Best Paper Nomination
Moos, B.
Managing Acquired Knowledge from Different Network Partners: The Role of Knowledge Management Systems
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Leipzig
View AbstractOne key asset of a firm is its knowledge stock comprising different knowledge domains (e.g., market, technological knowledge, etc.). This stock results from firm internal and/or external resources such as exchange partners (e.g. customers and R&D partners). The paper focuses on external partners and explores for which knowledge domain the usage of knowledge management systems (KMS) regarding the management of acquired knowledge from them is beneficial or detrimental to the organization. Further, the importance of each type of partner for knowledge creation is demonstrated. Using data from 154 firms, the results show that (1) each type of partner contributes to most of the knowledge domains, (2) KMS facilitate the management of the knowledge stock of a firm excluding the domain of product knowledge, and (3) the usage of KMS for managing acquired knowledge has two faces depending on the type of knowledge and on the type of exchange partner.
Best Paper Award Nominee
Maier, C., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
When Social Networking Turns to Social Overload: Explaining the Stress, Emotional Exhaustion, and Quitting Behavior from Social Network Sites' Users
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain
View AbstractThis research responds to a current phenomenon that individuals experience fatigue, while using social network sites, such as Facebook, which original intend to provide hedonic value to users. To explain this current phenomenon, we propose and evaluate a research model based on the stress-strain-outcome model. Focal point is the stressor social overload, which induces feelings of being emotional exhausted. For that reason, some users of social network sites start to get dissatisfied and report an increasing discontinuous usage intention. In addition, the research article provides evidence for the fact that the effect of stress on the two outcome variables satisfaction and discontinuous usage intention is fully mediated through strain. This is validated with an empirical survey with 523 Facebook users. Several implications for technology adoption research are discussed.
Best Paper Nomination
von Stetten, A., Wild, U., and Chrennikow, W.
Adopting Social Network Sites - The Role of Individual IT Culture and Privacy Concerns
Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Detroit (MI)
View AbstractIn this paper we examine the role of the concepts of Individual IT Culture (IITC) and Privacy Concerns in IT adoption using the example of the social network site (SNS) Facebook. Analyzing data from a large online survey with Partial Least Squares (PLS), we show that IITC is an antecedent for Privacy Concerns and the TAM sub-constructs Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU). However, contrary to our hypothesis, Privacy Concerns do not have a significant negative effect on the Intention to Use Facebook. The remaining relationships in the TAM (PEOU --> PU; PEOU --> Intention; PU --> Intention, Intention --> Usage) are confirmed. Besides, we contribute to better validate the assessment instrument for IITC as we show by means of a reflective first-order formative second-order construct that six sub-constructs of IITC do have a significant influence on IITC whereas one sub-construct does not.
Winner of the ACM SIGMIS Magit Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year 2011 Award
Laumer, S., Maier, C., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
The Trend is our Friend - German IT Personnel's Perception of Job-related Factors before, during and after the Economic Downturn
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, San Antonio (TX), Winner of the ACM SIGMIS Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year 2011 Award
View AbstractWith the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers the global economic crisis has reached one of its summits. Before that time CIOs challenged high turnover rates of IT personnel and recruiting, developing and retaining the IT workforce was one of the most important concerns of CIOs. However, the global economic development has changed on the one side the challenges of organizations, and on the other side also the perception of job-related factors of IT talent. Based on this development we compare major IT turnover constructs using three empirical surveys in 2008, 2009 and 2010 in order to discuss how the global economic development influences the perceptions of job-related factors and turnover intentions of German IT personnel. The analysis showed that job satisfaction and organizational commitment is decreasing since 2008, perceived job alternatives are increasing compared to 2009 and turnover intention has reached a maximum in 2010 compared to the two other years in question.
Nominated for Young-Researcher-Award
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Keim, T.
Does IT matter in recruiting - Eine länderübergreifende Kausalanalyse
Proceedings of the 9. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wien, Österreich
View AbstractDer weltweit fortschreitende Fachkräftemangel fordert von Unternehmen, neue Strategien für ihre Personalbeschaffung zu entwerfen. Dabei bietet der Einsatz von Informationssystemen eine interessante Möglichkeit, nicht nur günstiger, sondern auch schneller Kontakt zu qualitativ hochwertigen Kandidaten herzustellen. Nachwievor ist der tatsächliche Wertbeitrag von IS jedoch umstritten. Aus diesem Grund wird im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit mit Hilfe eines Kausalmodells für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz empirisch belegt, dass der Einsatz von Informationssystemen in der Personalbeschaffung einen positiven Einfluss auf Rekrutierungszeit, -kosten und die Qualität des Personalbeschaffungsprozesses hat.
Best Paper Award/Best Outsourcing Paper
Weitzel, T., Beimborn, D., and Franke, J.
Outsourcing the Financial Chain: an Empirical Analysis of Sourcing and Partnering Potentials
Proceedings of the 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New York (NY)
View AbstractWhile many firms have used advancement in information and communication technology to optimize their supply chain and primary processes, there is still a substantial efficiency potential associated with financial processes. In this paper, a conceptual framework for a systematic financial chain management is developed. Based on this, an empirical survey with the Fortune 1,000 enterprises of Germany shows that while outsourcing of the financial chain is still quite rare it can be successfully used to focus on core competencies. A main finding is that CFOs tend to systematically overestimate the quality of their financial processes and especially the firm's competencies compared to external experts. This is an important cultural barrier to a value redesign that could offer substantial efficiency improvements.
Best Paper Nomination
Weitzel, T., Wendt, O., and von Westarp, F.
Reconsidering Network Effect Theory
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Wien, Österreich (Best Paper Nomination)
View AbstractAccording to the network effect literature, network externalities lead to market failure due to Pareto-inferior coordination results. We show that the assumptions and simplifications implicitly used for modeling standardization processes fail to explain the real-world variety of diffusion courses in today's dynamic IT markets, and we derive requirements for a more general model of network effects. We argue that agent-based computational economics provides a solid basis for meeting these requirements by integrating evolutionary models from game theory and institutional economics.
(also: SFB 403 Forschungsbericht (00-10))