Veröffentlichungen von Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel


Laumer, S., Maier, C., and Weitzel, T. (2022)
Chapter 6: HR machine learning in recruiting
In: Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, S. 105–126, Cheltenham, UK

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HR recruiting has been the focus of artificial intelligence (AI) based approaches for years. It is expected that applying AI - and especially machine learning - provides opportunities to improve HR processes, simplify, and automate finding, selecting, and evaluating candidates. This chapter reports a literature review to develop the HR recruiting machine learning model. It indicates whether expectations are met, reveals different person-environment fit dimensions focused, identifies challenges coming with these approaches, and discusses future research opportunities. It shows that most studies use decision trees or deep neural networks to predict person-job fit. Given the reported accuracy levels, the use of machine learning can increase the recruiting process's efficiency. Still, the focus is mainly on automatically predicting HR employees' or business managers' assessment of person-environment fit dimensions. The focus is not on fit in terms of an aptitude-diagnostic sense as a base for better decision making. Moreover, several approaches use discriminatory characteristics such as age, gender, or race in their machine learning models to predict an individual's appropriateness for a vacancy. Hence, various future research opportunities are discussed in terms of focusing on the different person-environment fit dimensions and not limiting the analysis to the person-job one. Besides, research should share datasets that enable the comparison of the different machine learning-based approaches, address fairness and transparency by focusing on approaches to eliminate discrimination in the models used, and focus on fit not only to increase efficiency but also to increase decision quality in an aptitude-diagnostic sense.

Fischbach, K., Overhage, S., Staake, T., and Weitzel, T. (2016)
in Benker, T.; Jürck, C.; Wolf, M. (Hrsg.): Geschäftsprozessorientierte Systementwicklung. Von der Unternehmensarchitektur zum IT-System. Springer, Berlin 2016, S. 1-7.

Weinert, C., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T. (2015)
Controlling der Rekrutierung: Erhebung von Kennzahlen entlang des Recruiting-Prozesses
in Praxishandbuch Controlling, W. Becker and P. Ulrich (eds.), Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 1-14

Wiesinger, A., Beimborn, D., and Weitzel, T. (2012)
How Do Planned and Actual Interaction Structures Differ in Global Outsourcing Arrangements?
In: Kotlarsky, J., Oshri, I., and Willcocks, L. P. (eds.): The Dynamics of Global Sourcing: Perspectives and Practices, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 20-38.

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How and why do actual interaction structures in global outsourcing arrangements differ from those originally planned? We use a social network perspective to analyze the structure of social interaction networks among operational staff and management of vendor and client firm in an outsourcing arrangement. We apply a case study approach to understand which interaction structures appear and whether they are in accordance with those structures formally defined in the outsourcing governance. We found that real interaction often differs from the plan and we provide theoretical explanations for understanding these deviations, thus contributing to the understanding of outsourcing governance and outsourcing relationship management.

Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., and von Stetten, A. (2012)
Personalbeschaffung im deutschen Mittelstand - Eine empirische Analyse des Status quo
In: Meyer, J.-A. (ed.): Personalmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, JOSEF EUL VERLAG, Lohmar, 131-157. Erhältlich unter:

von Stetten, A., Beimborn, D., Weitzel, T., and Reiss, Z. (2011)
Managing the Impact of Differences in National Culture on Social Capital in Multinational IT Project Teams - A German Perspective
In: Heinzl, A., Buxmann, P., Wendt, O., and Weitzel, T. (eds.): Theory-Guided Modeling and Empiricism in Information Systems Research, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 187-206. Erhältlich unter:

Eckhardt, A., Brickwedde, W., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T. (2011)
The Need for a Recruiter 2.0 for Hiring IT Talent - The German Software Manufacturer Case
in: Jerry Luftman (ed.): Managing IT Human Resources: Considerations for Organizations and Personnel, IGI Publishing. Erhältlich unter:

Wüllenweber, K., Beimborn, D., Weitzel, T., and König, W. (2009)
The Impact of Process Standardization on Business Process Outsourcing Success
In: Willcocks, L., Lacity, M. (eds.): Outsourcing Information Systems, Sage Publications, 142-164. Erhältlich unter:

Wüllenweber, K., König, W., Beimborn, D., and Weitzel, T. (2009)
The Impact of Process Standardization on Business Process Outsourcing Success
In: R. Hirschheim, A. Heinzl, J. Dibbern (eds.): Information Systems Outsourcing: Enduring Themes, Global Challenges, and Process Opportunities, Springer, Heidelberg, 527-548

Keim, T., and Weitzel, T. (2007)
The Adoption of HRIS for Personnel Recruitment
In: T. Torres and M. Arias: Encyclopedia of HRIS: Challenges in e-HRM, Idea Group

Keim, T., König, W., Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F. (2006)
Bewerbungs- und Recruiting-Trends in der Finanzbranche - Aktuelle Ergebnisse empirischer Studien
Growing Talents! Herausforderungen des HR-Managements in der Finanzindustrie (Tagungsband zur gleichnamigen Konferenz am 5. April 2006 in Frankfurt am Main), Frankfurt am Main

Weitzel, T., Wendt, O., Beimborn, D., and König, W. (2006)
Network Effects and Diffusion Theory - Extending Economic Network Analysis
Jakobs, K. (ed.): Advanced Topics in Information Technology Standards and Standardization Research, Volume 1, Hershey, PA, ISBN 159140939-X. Erhältlich unter:

König, W., and Weitzel, T. (2005)
Towards the E-Enterprise: standards, networks, and co-operation strategies
Kuhlin, B./Thielmann, H. (eds.): The Practical Real Time Enterprise, Springer, Berlin. Online unter:

König, W., and Weitzel, T. (2005)
Ökonomische Analyse von Netzeffekten
In: Peter Gendolla, Jörgen Schäfer (Hg.): Wissensprozesse in der Netzwerkgesellschaft; transcript Verlag, S. 191-218. Erhältlich unter:

Weitzel, T., and König, W. (2005)
Die Evolutionsschritte zum E-Enterprise: Standardisierung, Vernetzung und Kooperationsstrategien
Kuhlin, B./Thielmann, H. (Hrsg.): Real Time Enterprise in der Praxis, Springer, Berlin. Erhältlich unter:

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Moderne netzwerkartige Unternehmensformen von Supply Webs über flexible Unternehmensallianzen bis hin zu letztlich völlig dezentralen und hochmodularen Dienstearchitekturen als Grundlage für Ad-hoc-Supply-Chains oder ein "Real Time Enterprise" erfordern eine gezielte Vernetzung zwischen einer Vielzahl von Akteuren zur systematischen Ausbeutung von Skaleneffekten. Dabei gibt es netzwerkspezifische Koordinationsprobleme, die aus der Existenz von Netzeffekten resultieren und besondere Anforderungen an eine schlagkräftige IT-Governance stellen. In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, dass die Philosophie des "Real Time Enterprise" technische und kulturelle Herausforderungen an die Unternehmensführung stellt. Eine ökonomische Analyse von Vernetzungsgleichgewichten am Beispiel Straight Through Processing im grenzüberschreitenden Wertpapierhandel verdeutlicht, welche Herausforderungen Vernetzungsprozesse mit sich bringen. Computersimulationen zeigen vielversprechende Resultate bezüglich der Lösbarkeit "klassischer" Netzwerkprobleme wie insbesondere des Start-up-Problems und unterstreichen den Wert moderner Strategien wie insbesondere der Coopetition.

Weitzel, T., Beimborn, D., and König, W. (2004)
Outsourcing von Finanzprozessen
Management-Kompass IT-Strategie F.A.Z.-Institut , S. 12-17

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Eine empirische Studie des Frankfurter E-Finance Lab zeigt, wie Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Branchen durch modernes Financial Chain Management ihre IT-Finanzprozesse effizient gestalten. Weitere Beiträge analysieren die Kosteneffekte durch IT-Transformation, Sourcingalternativen und IT-Investitionen im Mittelstand.

Weitzel, T., and König, W. (2003)
Zwischenbetriebliche Kooperationen und elektronische Märkte
in: Küting. K./Noack, H. (Hrsg.) (2003): Der große BWL-Führer - die 50 wichtigsten Strategien und Instrumente zur Unternehmensführung; F.A.Z.-Institut, Frankfurt (ISBN 3-89843-085-5). Erhältlich unter:

Weitzel, T. (2003)
Standardisierung und Standards
Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik, Frankfurt am Main (2.Auflage)

Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F. (2002)
From QWERTY to nuclear power reactors: Historic battles for the standard
Geihs/Koenig/von Westarp (ed.): Networks - Standardization, Infrastructure, and Applications, Berlin (Springer) 2002, 33-61. Erhältlich unter:

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Key success factors in eleven historic standardization battles are discussed, among them the famous VHS versus Betamax, IBM vs. Apple or QWERTY vs. Dvorak`s keyboard design.

Weitzel, T. (2001)
Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Berlin

Weitzel, T., Buxmann, P., Ladner, F., and Kronenberg, R. (2001)
XML und EDI - Der Stand der Standardisierung
Rossbach, G. (Hrsg.): Mobile Internet, Karlsruhe 2001, 269-283. Erhältlich unter:

Buxmann, P., and Weitzel, T. (2001)
Electronic Data Interchange - Eine XML-Anwendung zum Rechnungsaustausch
Turowski, K./Fellner, K. (Hrsg.): XML in der betrieblichen Praxis - Standards, M, Heidelberg. Erhältlich unter:

Weitzel, T., Wendt, O., and von Westarp, F. (2001)
Modeling Diffusion Processes in Networks
Networks - Standardization, Infrastructure, and Applications, Berlin (Springer ) 2001, 3-31. Erhältlich unter:

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In this paper, some of the main results of the research project "Economics of Standards in Information Networks" are presented and integrated into a single framework of technology diffusion. We present an agent-based simulation model that incorporates structural determinants of networks (centrality, topology/density) and individual decision making on the part of prospective technology users under realistic informational assumptions. Based upon these models, decision behavior in terms of the selection of standards and the diffusion of technological innovations in networks can be described; the model can serve as a tool for developing and evaluating various internalization strategies that aim at answering questions like how to consider the determinants of an increasingly global and networked market when choosing corporate strategies.

König, W., Weitzel, T., Buxmann, P., and von Westarp, F. (2000)
The Standardization Problem in Networks - A General Framework
Information Technology Standards and Standardization: A Global Perspective

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Choosing the right set of communications standards is fundamental in any kind of interaction, espe-cially in the coordination of economic activities. This decision problem, generally referred to as "thestandardization problem", mainly results from interdependencies due to positive network effects. Theproblem has to be analyzed differently in centralized and decentralized networks. Therefore, we de-veloped separate models for each of these coordination forms which illustrate the advantages anddisadvantages of using standards. We based the economic parameters of the models and the discus-sion of its implications on empirical research. To gain information about the use of software standardsin enterprises, we conducted a comprehensive empirical survey, both in Germany and North America.It focuses on the corporate adoption and use of various IT standards, including Internet and electroniccommerce standards, business software and EDI. Approaching a general framework for analyzing thestandardization problem we combine three different research approaches: Formal analysis, a simula-tive approach and empirical studies (questionnaire, case studies).

von Westarp, F., Weitzel, T., Buxmann, P., and König, W. (1999)
Innovationen im Bereich der B2B-Kommunikation - Fallstudien und technische Lösungen zu WebEDI