Veröffentlichungen von Moritz Gimnich
Konferenz-Artikel (Peer Reviewed)
Gimnich, M., Weinert, C., and Weitzel, T.
It’s a Trap!? Causes and Consequences of Filter Bubbles
Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Paphos, Cyprus
View AbstractFilter bubbles result from recommender systems, which filter information based on a user’s behavior and preferences. However, scientific research lacks a comprehensive understanding of filter bubbles due to conflicting definitions, processes, and consequences of this phenomenon. Therefore, we addressed this issue by conducting a comprehensive literature review encompassing high-ranked information systems research, covering relevant journals and conferences. Through this process, we constructed a concept matrix delineating the causes and consequences of filter bubbles. Based on these findings, we developed a research agenda suggesting four areas for future research. The paper contributes to the literature on filter bubbles by providing conceptual clarity and insights into their causes and consequences at individual, organizational, and societal levels.
Fischer, I., Gimnich, M., Papert, M., and Goertler, T.
Travelling the Digital Journey: A Literature Review and Framework for Change Management Actions and Tools in Digital Transformation
Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Honolulu, HI, USA
View AbstractThe emerging digital transformation (DT) poses severe challenges to companies. In order to implement respective transformation process sufficiently to seize the benefits of DT, the concept of change management (CM) becomes relevant for organizations. Considering increasing DT efforts of firms, the purpose of this study is to identify relevant CM actions that support the DT journey as well as to synthesize these findings into a comprehensive framework. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature review and analyzed 40 pertinent scientific publications drawing on Lewin’s (1947) Three Step Model with its phases unfreezing, moving and freezing. Our findings identify in total 52 individual CM actions that are necessary for implementing DT. We translated these findings into a framework that is structured according to established CM models and extends those for becoming suitable for describing DT projects. Thus, the framework advances the pertinent literature and presents relevant aspects for practitioners leading the change. (Accepted Manuscript)
Fischer, I., Papert, M., Goertler, T., and Gimnich, M.
Change Management Methods and Tools for Digital Transformation - A systematic Literature Review
Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the Nordic Logistic Research Network - NOFOMA, Helsinki - Espoo, Finland
View AbstractPurpose Change management (CM), with its methods and tools, facilitates the implementation of transformation processes in companies and along entire supply chains (SCs). However, with the emergence of fast-moving and disruptive digital transformation (DT), traditional CM tools may no longer be sufficient and may reach their limits. This study reviews the applicability of existing CM tools in the context of DT. Design/methodology/approach Drawing on a systematic literature review and a detailed content analysis, we offer conceptual insights into the applicability of CM methods in the digital era. This is reflected in an extensive study of the intersection of CM and DT literature. Findings We identified various CM methods and tools become relevant for organizations when intending to undergo DT. Analysing these, we found shortcomings in traditional CM approaches during DT. We therefore conclude that companies need to adapt their CM procedures towards a more dynamic approach in order to maintain competitive SCs when confronted with digitally shaped environments. Research limitations/implications This study is conceptual in nature and is based on results from content analysis of the extant literature. As such, it offers potential for further analysis in the form of empirical studies to validate the findings. Practical implications Our findings support SC actors in adapting their existing CM tool portfolio for going digital when confronted with environments of digital disruptions. Original/value This study considers the well-established approach of CM in conjunction with the current phenomenon of DT, which possesses disruptive potential for entire SCs.