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Maier, C., Laumer, S., Weitzel, T., Weinert, C., von Stetten, A., Wirth, J., Eckhardt, A., and Kraft, B.
Bewerbungspraxis 2015 - Eine empirische Studie mit 7.000 Stellensuchenden und Karriereinteressierten im Internet
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Weinert, C., Weitzel, T., Wirth, J., Eckhardt, A., and Kraft, B.
Recruiting Trends im Mittelstand 2015 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem deutschen Mittelstand
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Weinert, C., Wirth, J., von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Kraft, B.
Recruiting Trends 2015 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus Deutschland, sowie den Top-300-Unternehmen aus den Branchen Finanzdienstleistung, Health Care und IT
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Weinert, C., von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Weitzel, T., and Eckhardt, A.
Recruiting Trends 2014 Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den 500 größten Unternehmen aus Österreich
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., and Weitzel, T.
The Transformation of People, Processes, and IT in E-Recruiting: Insights from an Eight-year Case Study of a German Media Corporation
Employee Relations (36:4), p. 415-431, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ER-07-2013-0079 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: B)
View AbstractPurpose - There is only scarce research about the transformation of e-HRM in general, and of the e-recruiting function in particular. Further, there is not much known of the transformational implications for the related people, process, and information technology (IT).
Design/methodology/approach - To analyze the transformation of e-recruiting caused by external influences outside of the organization, we report the results of an eight-year case with a media corporation in order to derive and describe five consecutive steps of an e-recruiting transformation model.
Findings - We come up with five stages (transformation of tools, transformation of systems, transformation of workflows, transformation of tasks, and transformation of communication), each influenced by external developments and market tendencies (War for Talent, increasing number of applications, job market switch, globalization of job market, changing communication behavior).
Research limitations/implications - This research contributes to literature by explaining the drivers of an e-HRM transformation and the different stages of this transformation process differentiated by the affected people, processes and IT. However, it only observes the transformation in one company, hence the transformation of further e-HRM functions in other companies might differ.
Practical implications - We highlight both the transformation of e-recruiting and for the related people, processes and IT, so companies could observe their current status of e-recruiting transformation.
Originality/value - This paper represents the first longitudinal approach observing the transformation of e-recruiting by describing different stages and external influences.
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Weinert, C., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Kraft, B.
Recruiting Trends 2014 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus Deutschland sowie den Top-300-Unternehmen aus den Branchen Health Care, IT und Maschinenbau
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Maier, C., Laumer, S., Weinert, C., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Kraft, B.
Bewerbungspraxis 2014 - Eine empirische Studie mit über 10.000 Stellensuchenden und Karriereinteressierten im Internet
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Weinert, C., Laumer, S., Maier, C., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., and Eckhardt, A.
Recruiting Trends 2013 Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den 500 größten Unternehmen aus Österreich
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Guhl, E.
Recruiting Trends 2013 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus Deutschland sowie den Top-300-Unternehmen aus den Branchen Automotive, Finanzdienstleistung und IT
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Guhl, E.
Recruiting Trends im Mittelstand 2013 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem deutschen Mittelstand
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S., Maier, C., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Guhl, E.
Bewerbungspraxis 2013 - Eine empirische Studie mit über 6.000 Stellensuchenden und Karriereinteressierten im Internet
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Maier, C., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Analyzing the impact of HRIS implementations on HR personnel's job satisfaction and turnover intention
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (22:3), p. 193-207, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsis.2012.09.001 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: A )One of the 5 most highly cited papers published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems
View AbstractAn in-depth case of an e-Recruiting system implementation is used while focusing on the level of Human Resource (HR) employees to research unintended consequences during the implementation of Human Resources Information Systems (HRISs). We develop a model that integrates the belief and attitude component of the technology acceptance literature with work-related consequences. We provide evidence for an indirect effect of attitudes toward the HRIS on turnover intention that is fully mediated by job satisfaction. Our results contribute to the literature on systems implementations and technology adoption by suggesting work-related outcomes as important additional success variables.
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Online Gaming to Find a New Job - Examining Job Seekers' Intention to Use Serious Games as a Self-Assessment Tool
Zeitschrift für Personalforschung: German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management (26:3), p. 218-240 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: C)
View AbstractSerious games can be used as self-assessment tools in recruiting processes. We develop a model explaining jobseekers' intentions to use these applications, which help them to gain a realistic idea of the job at hand and allows them to submit their application only if the job truly fits their individual profile. Drawing on organizational justice theory and the technology acceptance literature, our model is empirically evaluated using data from 1,882 jobseekers. The results indicate that jobseekers' intention to use self-assessments is driven in particular by its perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and perceived selection fairness. In contrast, the issue of privacy security has no significant impact on jobseekers' intentions. For firms, using serious games as a self-assessment tool can lead to a reduction in the total number of unsuitable applications they receive.
Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., and von Stetten, A.
Personalbeschaffung im deutschen Mittelstand - Eine empirische Analyse des Status quo
In: Meyer, J.-A. (ed.): Personalmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, JOSEF EUL VERLAG, Lohmar, 131-157. Erhältlich unter: http://www.amazon.de/Personalmanagement-kleinen-mittleren-Unternehmen-KMU-Forschung/dp/3844101462/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339675191&sr=8-1
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and Ganouchi, M.
Recruiting Trends 2012 Suisse - Une étude empirique des 500 plus grandes entreprises suisses
Rapport de recherche, Université Otto-Friedrich de Bamberg et Université Goethe de Francfort-sur-le-Main
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and Ganouchi, M.
Recruiting Trends 2012 Schweiz - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus der Schweiz
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Maier, C., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., and Weitzel, T.
Recruiting Trends 2012 Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den 500 größten Unternehmen aus Österreich
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Schilling, A., and Laumer, S.
Learning to remain - Evaluating the use of mentoring for the retention of FLOSS developers
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain
View AbstractThe retention of newcomers is of vital relevance for initiatives developing Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS). Based on previous FLOSS research which repeatedly highlights the amount of knowledge developers build in the beginning of their project participation for their continuance and experiences from the organizational domain, we evaluate the use of mentoring as an appropriate knowledge transfer and retention strategy for FLOSS projects. Combining FLOSS and organizational literature, we develop our research model and hypothesize that (i) mentoring facilitates novices in their learning, which, in turn, increases their retention (ii) and (iii) that mentoring has direct effects on protégés' continued participation. The evaluation of 91 newcomers to the KDE project supports our hypotheses and finds a strong direct and indirect association between mentoring and novices' project retention. On the one hand our analysis shows that mentoring significantly increases novices' achieved level of knowledge after their ramp up period which, in turn, enlarges their project permanence. On the other hand, we find evidence that there is also a strong and significant direct association between mentoring and protégés' retention behaviour, which could be the result of the strong interpersonal relationship which is formed between mentors and protégés.
Schilling, A.
Links to the Source - A Multidimensional View of Social Ties for the Retention of FLOSS Developers
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Milwaukee (WI)
View AbstractFree Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is of vital importance for the daily life of many private and corporate users. However, the majority of all FLOSS initiatives fail, most commonly due to a lack of sustained developers. In contrast to previous research which used an individual centric or a structural perspective, this dissertation combines motivational and relational aspects to build a comprehensive understanding for FLOSS developers' ongoing project commitment. A unified research model is developed by drawing on established theories from organizational and sociological literature, in particular by combining Self-Determination-Theory (SDT) and Social-Identity-Theory (SIT). Both SDT and SIT have been found valuable concepts for staffing decisions in organizations. In addition to the development and evaluation of the research model, this dissertation derives operational strategies for project managers of FLOSS initiatives on how to enhance the retention behavior of their contributor base.
Schilling, A., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Train and Retain - The Impact of Mentoring on the Retention of FLOSS Developers
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Milwaukee (WI)
(Research in Progress)
View AbstractThe acquisition of new knowledge is a critical task for software development. IT companies spend considerable resources in the training of their employees to succeed in a continuously changing industry. Depending on the voluntary commitment of their contributors, initiatives developing Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) identified members' learning and their retention as vital. Although contributors' knowledge building has been repeatedly found to facilitate their project continuance, FLOSS projects are lacking operational advices on how to assist their members' learning. Drawing on previous literature which emphasizes project members' social interactions and their practical experiences to build new knowledge, we propose mentoring as a training method for FLOSS projects. Based on organizational experiences, we propose a measure to evaluate mentoring as an appropriate strategy for FLOSS initiatives to facilitate individuals'
learning and to retain their contributors on longitudinal base.
Laumer, S., Maier, C., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Are we in the Right Profession? - Comparing Information Systems, Computer Science and other Disciplines' Professional's Perceptions of the Job Market
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Milwaukee (WI)
View AbstractBased on an empirical analysis with 2,887 professionals with different educational backgrounds, this research shows that Information Systems and Computer Science professionals are more optimistic toward the labor market and available job alternatives than other disciplines such as General Business Management, Engineering, or Social and Humane Science. The results underline that professionals in the IT field have a bright future for their further career. In times of shrinking information systems and computer systems enrollments, this promising prospect can support both undergraduate and graduate schools activities to promote their courses. Several implications for this issue will be discussed in the paper.
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., and Weitzel, T.
Bewerbermanagementsysteme in deutschen Großunternehmen: Wertbeitrag von IKT für dienstleistungsproduzierende Leistungs- und Lenkungssysteme
Journal of Business Economics (JBE) (82:4), p. 47-75, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11573-012-0582-z (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: B)
View AbstractZusammenfassung: In stürmischen Zeiten für die Personalbeschaffung deutscher Großunternehmen aufgrund von Fachkräftemangel können Beschaffungsmanagementsysteme zur Gewinnung neuer Mitarbeiter wertvolle Unterstützung für die Rekrutierung leisten. Zur Untersuchung des Wertbeitrages des automatisierten Aufgabenträgers dieser Systeme, der sogenannten Bewerbermanagementsysteme, wurden Personalverantwortliche der 1.000 größten Unternehmen in Deutschland befragt. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse dieser repräsentativen Umfrage konnten folgende Erkenntnisse für den Wertbeitrag von Bewerbermanagementsystemen als Teil dienstleistungsproduzierender Leistungs- und Lenkungssysteme gewonnen werden. Durch den Einsatz dieser Systeme werden primär Zeitreduktionen innerhalb einzelner Prozessabschnitte der Personalbeschaffung und eine Kostenreduktion für die interne Bearbeitung von Bewerbungen erreicht. Eine Verbesserung der Qualität der eingestellten Wunschkandidaten kann hingegen nicht realisiert werden. Es bestehen keine Unterschiede beim Wertbeitrag für das unternehmerische Leistungs- und Lenkungssystem. Auch die Unternehmensgröße hat keinen Einfluss auf denWertbeitrag der Bewerbermanagementsysteme.
Weitzel, T., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., and Guhl, E.
Recruiting Trends - Ein Rückblick auf 10 Jahre
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Maier, C., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Guhl, E.
Recruiting Trends 2012 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus Deutschland sowie den Top-300-Unternehmen aus den Branchen Health Care, IT sowie Umwelt & Recycling
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., Maier, C., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Guhl, E.
Bewerbungspraxis 2012 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 10.000 Stellensuchenden und Karriereinteressierten im Internet
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Maier, C., Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Guhl, E.
Recruiting Trends im Mittelstand 2012 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem deutschen Mittelstand
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S., Blinn, N., and Eckhardt, A.
Opening the Black Box of Outsourcing Knowledge Intensive Business Processes - A Longitudinal Case Study of Outsourcing Recruiting Activities
Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui (HI)
View AbstractKnowledge intensive business services (KIBS) play an increasing role in business and economics as they serve as service providers for organizations outsourcing their knowledge intensive business processes (KIBP). Our literature analysis shows that KIBP as outsourcing objects remain considered as "black boxes". Based on the assumptions of the Resource Based View of the Firm, we shed light into the black box. Within a longitudinal case study, we present the motivation of a company outsourcing its recruitment activities since 2003 and the lessons learnt derived from the project during the last eight years opening the black box of outsourcing KIBP. Human Resources (HR) belongs to the back office function of organizations and recruitment in particular is considered to be a KIBP. The results of the case study indicate that business process standardization, identifying knowledge intensive sub-processes that provide value to the process outcomes and defining explicit service levels are key success factors for KIBP outsourcing. In addition, the results show that outsourcing KIBP can be beneficial for organizations and can results in better process determinants in terms of cost, time and quality.
Schilling, A., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Who will remain? - An evaluation of actual Person-Job and Person-Team fit to predict developer retention in FLOSS-projects
Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui (HI)
View AbstractToday businesses and private households worldwide rely on Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS). Most FLOSS-projects however are threatened in their existence due to a lack of sustained contributors. The early identification of developers who are likely to remain at the project is an eminent task for the management of FLOSS-initiatives. Previous research showed that the subjective judgment of individuals is often inaccurate emphasizing the need to objectively assess retention behavior. Consistent with the concepts Person-Job (P-J) and Person-Team (P-T) fit from recruitment literature, we derive objective measures to predict developer retention in FLOSS-projects. To evaluate our proposed measures we assess the retention of former Google Summer of Code (GSoC) students. The results show that students' prior level of project experience, expertise and communication intensity correlates strongly with their ongoing participation. Surprisingly, our analysis reveals that students with abilities that are underrepresented in the project do not remain considerably longer.
Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., von Westarp, F., von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., and Kraft, B.
Recruiting 2011
Weka Verlag, Zürich, Schweiz. ISBN 978-3-297-19971-8. Erhältlich unter: http://www.weka.ch/shop/produkt_view.cfm?nr=19972011
View AbstractDer demografische Wandel und der Fachkräftemangel sind in der Schweiz, Österreich und in Deutschland die beiden mit Abstand wichtigsten unternehmensexternen und damit nicht direkt beeinflussbaren Trends für die Personalbeschaffung im Jahr 2011. In Kombination mit dem Umstand, dass die Unternehmen aus der D/A/CH-Region im Jahr 2011 auch wieder mehr Personal einstellen wollen, zeigt dieses Ergebnis, dass die Wirtschaftskrise offensichtlich der Vergangenheit angehört und wieder andere Themen in den Fokus der Personalverantwortlichen rücken. Eines dieser Themen, das auch einen Schwerpunkt im vorliegenden Buch darstellt, ist die Nutzung von Social Media für die Rekrutierung. Differenziert man zwischen den verschiedenen Einsatzmöglichkeiten, so zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Unternehmen Social Media aktuell vordergründig nutzen, um Image-Werbung zu betreiben oder um nach zusätzlichen Informationen über bereits identifizierte Kandidaten bzw. Bewerber zu suchen. Insgesamt werden Social Media jedoch noch relativ verhalten genutzt, vor allem was die Schaltung von Stellenanzeigen oder die aktive Suche nach geeigneten Kandidaten betrifft. Eine weitere wichtige Frage, die sich den Personalverantwortlichen stellt, ist die nach der Effektivität und der Effizienz verschiedener Rekrutierungskanäle. Im Hinblick auf die Effektivität zeigt sich, dass die Unternehmen vor allem mit denjenigen Kandidaten zufrieden sind, die über Mitarbeiterempfehlungen, die persönlichen Netzwerke der Recruiter, Internet-Stellenbörsen oder die eigene Unternehmens-Webseite eingestellt wurden. Genau diese Kanäle weisen aus Sicht der Befragten auch ein sehr gutes Kosten-/Nutzen-Verhältnis und damit eine hohe Effizienz auf. Zwei generelle Trends, die sich seit vielen Jahren beobachten lassen, sind die verstärkte Nutzung des Internets im Personalmarketing sowie die zunehmende Digitalisierung des Bewerbungseingangs. Die diesjährigen Ergebnisse bestätigen diese beiden Entwicklungen. Sowohl in der Schweiz als auch in Österreich und Deutschland werden die meisten freien Stellen im Internet auf Unternehmens-Webseiten und in Internet-Stellenbörsen veröffentlicht. Die meisten tatsächlichen Einstellungen werden ebenfalls über diese beiden Kanäle realisiert. Der Blick auf den Eingang der Bewerbungen zeigt eine eindeutige Präferenz der Unternehmen für die beiden elektronischen Verfahren der E-Mail- und der Formularbewerbung, wohingegen die klassische, papierbasierte Bewerbungsmappe immer weiter an Bedeutung verliert. Entsprechend der Präferenz der Unternehmen gehen aktuell auch deutlich mehr elektronische Bewerbungen als papierbasierte Bewerbungsmappen bei ihnen ein. Das vorliegende Werk ist das zweite Rekrutierungshandbuch des Centre of Human Resources Information Systems (CHRIS) der Universitäten Bamberg und Frankfurt am Main. Es basiert auf den Ergebnissen jährlicher Umfragen mit Rekrutierungsverantwortlichen aus der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland. In Ergänzung zu den Umfrageergebnissen bieten dem Leser spannende Fallstudien mit großen und mittelständischen Unternehmen einen interessanten Überblick über die Personalbeschaffung in der D/A/CH-Region.
Laumer, S., and Wiesinger, B.
Recruiting Trends 2011 Österreich - Trends und Herausforderungen in der Personalbeschaffung
Personal Manager - Zeitschrift für Human Resources (4), 14-18
Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Outsourcing im HRM: Die "Make or Buy"-Entscheidung
Personal Manager - Zeitschrift für Human Resources (4), 46-49
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., and Maier, C.
Introducing a First Step towards a Holistic Talent Management System Architecture
In: Scupola, A. (ed.): Developing Technologies in E-Services, Self-Services, and Mobile Communication: New Concepts, IGI Global, Hershey (PA), Book Online: http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/titledetails.aspx?titleid=47049; Chapter Online: http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/chapter.aspx?titleid=54968
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., and Weitzel, T.
Recruiting Trends 2011 Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus Österreich
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Wirtky, T., Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., Wild, U., and Weitzel, T.
Going beyond operational efficiency in HR using IT - A Literature Review of Human Resources Information Systems
Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Detroit (MI)
View AbstractLeading academics claim that the management of human resources will be most critical in gaining competitive advantage. Today, the human resources departments (HR) are transforming themselves from an administrative cost-center to an internal partner delivering additional business value. In this transformation process, information technology (IT) could play a key role. Therefore, this paper aims to unfold both the current state of knowledge concerning the value contribution of information systems (IS) for the HR function and approaches that go even beyond operational efficiency. Reviewing nearly 8,000 articles, published in the proceedings of eight major IS conferences reveals that in total 35 articles exclusively deal with the topic of human resources information systems (HRIS) but only very few research approaches show, how HRIS could help to go beyond operational efficiency. Furthermore, the literature analysis identifies that approaches dealing with the IT support for HR planning processes are completely missing so far.
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2011 Suisse - Une étude empirique des 500 plus grandes entreprises suisses
Rapport de recherche, Université Otto-Friedrich de Bamberg et Université Goethe de Francfort-sur-le-Main
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2011 Schweiz - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus der Schweiz
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Maier, C.
Explaining the Influence of User Personality on the Evaluation of IT Usage Drivers and IT Usage Consequences
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, San Antonio (TX)
View AbstractThis proposal pursues the goal to combine personality and IT usage behavior. Therefore, a psychological theory - which is named Five-Factor Theory of Personality - is applied to offer a theoretical framework for the interaction between personality and typical adoption theories or models (as TAM, UTAUT, etc.).
The insights should help to gain insights of the impact of personality on IT usage, IT usage drivers and IT usage consequences in different IS research fields. The proposal focuses on IT (non-)usage behavior and IT diffusion, but should also offer valuable insights for IT management research as IT outsourcing decisions or how to handle employees.
Lang, S., Laumer, S., Maier, C., and Eckhardt, A.
Drivers, Challenges and Consequences of E-Recruiting - A Literature Review
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, San Antonio (TX)
View AbstractUsing a literature review of 80 journals and proceedings we identified 23 research papers discussing driver, challenges and consequences of e-recruiting. In total 14 drivers, 15 challenges and 9 consequences of implementing and using e-recruiting has been identified. Based on these results the paper introduced a model of drivers, challenges and consequences of e-recruiting and discusses implications for research and practice. The analysis reveals that e-recruiting will reduce costs for recruitment and selection, increase the number of suitable applicants, enable time savings for both organizations and applicants and improve the corporate image. These four consequences also have been identified as major drivers of e-recruiting projects. The identified challenges include the exclusion of potential applicants, the deception of applicants in e-assessment procedures, the security of applicants' data and low qualification of applicants.
Laumer, S., Maier, C., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
The Trend is our Friend - German IT Personnel's Perception of Job-related Factors before, during and after the Economic Downturn
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, San Antonio (TX), Winner of the ACM SIGMIS Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year 2011 AwardWinner of the ACM SIGMIS Magit Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year 2011 Award
View AbstractWith the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers the global economic crisis has reached one of its summits. Before that time CIOs challenged high turnover rates of IT personnel and recruiting, developing and retaining the IT workforce was one of the most important concerns of CIOs. However, the global economic development has changed on the one side the challenges of organizations, and on the other side also the perception of job-related factors of IT talent. Based on this development we compare major IT turnover constructs using three empirical surveys in 2008, 2009 and 2010 in order to discuss how the global economic development influences the perceptions of job-related factors and turnover intentions of German IT personnel. The analysis showed that job satisfaction and organizational commitment is decreasing since 2008, perceived job alternatives are increasing compared to 2009 and turnover intention has reached a maximum in 2010 compared to the two other years in question.
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., Kaestner, T.A., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2011 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus Deutschland sowie den Top-300-Unternehmen aus den Branchen Finanzdienstleistung, IT und Öffentlicher Dienst
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., Kaestner, T.A., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends im Mittelstand 2011 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem deutschen Mittelstand
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., Kaestner, T.A., and von Westarp, F.
Bewerbungspraxis 2011 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 10.000 Stellensuchenden und Karriereinteressierten
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Eckhardt, A., Brickwedde, W., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
The Need for a Recruiter 2.0 for Hiring IT Talent - The German Software Manufacturer Case
in: Jerry Luftman (ed.): Managing IT Human Resources: Considerations for Organizations and Personnel, IGI Publishing. Erhältlich unter: http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/titledetails.aspx?TitleId=45966&DetailsType=Preface
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Electronic Human Resources Management in an E-Business Environment
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (11:4), p. 240-25 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: C)
View AbstractThis special issue on Electronic Human Resources Management (E-HRM) in an E-Business environment looks at opportunities and challenges associated with recruiting and developing a firm's workforce in a digital world characterized by endemic talent scarcity, changing values and shifting on- and offline behaviors of candidates and employees.
We first draw on a Delphi study with leading HR executives from 25 internationally renowned large firms and on a quantitative survey with 144 HR managers from German top 1,000 firms to delineate the key trends and issues for modern HR executives. Demographic challenges and the war for talent are seen as the most important trends in firms of all sizes and in all industries, even ahead of, for example, Social Media or the global economic crisis. Resulting from these trends, our survey reveals that HR managers' most pressing challenges are staff retention and internal and external employer branding. Overall, the results emphasize the importance for an E-HRM that needs to be both effective - adequately fill vacancies - and efficient - make best use of scarce resources.
The papers in the special issue address some of the open issues identified. Overall, in a peer-review process two out of nine submitted articles were selected for the special issue (22 per cent acceptance). The first paper by Stefan Strohmeier scrutinizes how e-portfolios can improve e-recruiting and talent management. The second paper by Sharna Wiblen, David Grant and Kristine Dery uses a single case study to learn how a shift from HRM to E-HRM can affect talent management and people in an organization and transform a firm's IT and HR function.
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2010 Suisse - Une étude empirique des 500 plus grandes entreprises suisses
Rapport de recherche, Université Otto-Friedrich de Bamberg et Université Goethe de Francfort-sur-le-Main
Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting 2010
Weka Verlag, Zürich, Schweiz. ISBN 978-3-297-01983-2. Erhältlich unter: http://www.weka.ch/shop/produkt_view.cfm?nr=19972010
View AbstractGetrieben durch technischen Fortschritt und Fachkräftemangel bei gleichzeitig knappen Mitteln werden die Rekrutierungsprozesse in Unternehmen kontinuierlich professionalisiert. Dieses Buch bietet eine wichtige Orientierungshilfe für Personaler und zeigt basierend auf einer empirischen Befragung der 2.000 größten Unternehmen in Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland sowie 1.000 deutscher Mittelständler die aktuellen Recruiting Practices und beleuchtet, wie Unternehmen mit alten Herausforderungen und neuen Medien umgehen.
Wichtige Themen sind:
- On- und Offline: Welche Kanäle werden zur Personalansprache in der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland verwendet, und aus welchen Kanälen kommen die meisten Einstellungen?
- Rekrutierung-Controlling und Bewerbermanagementsysteme: Wie werden die HR-Prozesse gestaltet, und was ist der Nutzenbeitrag des E-Recruiting?
- Web 2.0: Wie gehen die HR-Verantwortlichen mit Social Media um?
Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:
- Trotz Wirtschaftskrise erwarten viele Unternehmen aus der D/A/CH-Region wachsende Probleme bei der Besetzung wichtiger Stellen. So können derzeit 32,7% der offenen Stellen der Schweizer Top-Unternehmen nur schwer oder gar nicht besetzt werden. In Österreich sind es 27,6% und in Deutschland 40,7%
- Fast zwei Drittel der realisierten Einstellungen gehen bei Großunternehmen in der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland inzwischen auf eine Stellenanzeige im Internet zurück, und auch die Mehrzahl der eingehenden Bewerbungen ist elektronisch.
- Es herrscht große Unsicherheit über die Bedeutung von Social Media. Trotz des großen Interesses ist die Nutzung von Web 2.0 und der Suchmaschine Google im Tagesgeschäft aber noch sehr zurückhaltend.
Weitzel, T.
Karriere und Auszeit vom Job - Freund oder Feind
Gentleman's Quarterly (7), S. 79. Online unter: http://www.gq-magazin.de/articles/leben/karriere/sabbatical/2010/07/14/21711/
Weitzel, T.
Wie das E in E-Recruiting kam
In: Festschrift 10 Jahre monster.de: Wie sieht das Personalmanagement der Zukunft aus?; Gekürzt erschienen in: Personalmagazin (8), 4-7
Eckhardt, A., and Laumer, S.
An IT-Architecture to Align E-Recruiting and Retention Processes
In: Information Resources Management Association (ed.): Electronic Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Idea Group Reference, 1574-1592. Erhältlich unter: http://www.amazon.de/Electronic-Services-Concepts-Methodologies-Applications/dp/1615209670/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books-intl-de&qid=1282736090&sr=1-4
Laumer, S., and Eckhardt, A.
Online Gaming Platforms to Apply for Jobs - Proposing a Research Model to Investigate Job Seekers' Behavior
Proceedings of the 3rd Academic Workshop on Electronic Human Resource Management, Bamberg
Laumer, S., and Eckhardt, A.
The Internet as Additional Secondary Source - First empirical Results for Differentiating the Impact of Secondary Sources on the Intention to use IT
Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru
(Research in Progress)
View AbstractThe research about adoption decisions in a household context brought the factor of secondary sources as part of a normative beliefs construct to explain an individual's behavioral intention. The secondary sources included mass media as TV, radio and newspapers but not the largest global information medium, the internet. With billions of information provided by the internet in every minute it seems to be very likely that this factor depicts an important determinant for an individual's IT adoption decision as well. So for this reason the aim of our paper is to propose a research model to integrate the explicit influence of the mass medium internet on an individual's IT adoption decision and to discuss the relationship and interplay between attitude towards an information system, intention to use an information system and the secondary source "Internet". Furthermore a research description how the influence can be validated is provided and first empirical results are presented.
von Stetten, A., and von Westarp, F.
Personalbeschaffung in Schweizer Grossunternehmen: Aktuelle Trends und Innovationen
Schweizer Arbeitgeber (9), 14-15
View AbstractWie gestalten Schweizer Grossunternehmen ihre Personalbeschaffung? Welche Trends lassen sich erkennen ? Welche innovativen Massnahmen werden von den Unternehmen ergriffen ? Diese und weitere Fragen rund um die Personalbeschaffung der Top-500-Unternehmen aus der Schweiz stehen im Mittelpunkt der jährlichen Studienreihe « Recruiting Trends Schweiz », die seit dem Jahr 2007 durchgeführt wird. Der vorliegende Artikel fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der diesjährigen Studie « Recruiting Trends 2010 Schweiz » zusammen.
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., and Weitzel, T.
Recruiting Trends 2010 Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus Österreich
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Recruiting Trends im Mittelstand 2010 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem deutschen Mittelstand
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2010 Schweiz - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus der Schweiz
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Bewerbungspraxis 2010 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit mehr als 9.000 Stellensuchenden im Internet
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S.
Why do People Reject Information Systems? - An Investigation of IT Resistance and Personality
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Doctoral Consortium, Pretoria, South Africa
Laumer, S., and Eckhardt, A.
Analyzing IT Personnel's Perception of Job-related Factors in Good and Bad Times
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Vancouver, BC, Canada
von Stetten, A., Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Recruiting Trends 2010 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus Deutschland sowie den Top-300-Unternehmen aus den Branchen Automotive, Finanzdienstleistung und IT
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S., Maier, C., and Eckhardt, A.
Why do they resist? - An empirical analysis of an individual's personality trait resistance regarding the adoption of new information systems
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Pretoria, South Africa
Münstermann, B., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
The performance impact of business process standardization - an empirical evaluation of the recruitment process
Business Process Management Journal (16:1), p. 29-56 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: C)
View AbstractPurpose of this paper:
This paper aims at showing if business process standardization has an impact on business process performance and should be considered as both a valid BPM measure and a regular driver of process success.
An empirical analysis based on data from 156 firms is used to evaluate the hypothesis that process standardization positively impacts business process time, cost, and quality.
Firstly, the paper proposes a model and empirical operationalization to analyze the impact of process standardization on process performance. Secondly, empirical analysis shows that business process standardization has a decisive impact on process performance (R2: 61.9%). Precisely, there is a significant impact on process time, cost, and most notably on quality. The results indicate that the impact is strongest in services firms and varies subject to a firm's strategy type.
Practical implications:
The results suggest that business process standardization should regularly be considered a prime action item and major tool in a firm's BPM toolbox.
What is original/value of paper:
The paper is among the first to empirically show the vital impact of process standardization on performance. For academics and practitioners interested in business process management and the value impact of processes, the results suggest adding process standardization as a regular argument into research on and management of business processes.
Business process standardization, business process performance, process time, process cost, process quality, staff recruitment.
Münstermann, B., von Stetten, A., Eckhardt, A., and Laumer, S.
The Performance Impact of Business Process Standardization - HR Case Study Insights
Management Research Review (früher: Management Research News) (33:9), p. 924-939 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: C)
View AbstractPurpose:
This paper intends to enhance the understanding of business process standardization and how it contributes to generate business value. This research is a step towards a solid theoretical framework around business process standardization.
A single case study conducted in a global operating company is completed. Standardization of a certain business process (in our case the recruiting process) is shown to contribute to business value.
By standardizing its recruiting process, the company was able to reduce the "Time-to-Hire" from 92 to 69 days and the overall costs of the recruiting process by about 30 percent. The quality of the applicant data has clearly improved. Clarity and transparency of the recruiting process could be increased while the administrative expense within the HR departments in the distinct business locations could be reduced significantly.
Research limitations:
As with every case study, the generalizability of our findings is limited because a) the results are based on a single case only and b) because we focus solely on one process - the recruiting process - and do not include other business processes.
Practical implications:
The case study can be useful for any company that intends to standardize its recruiting process. Clear indications of how to achieve business value out of process standardization are given.
This study provides a clear definition of what business process standardization is and how it can lead to increased business value. To practitioners clear indications of how to achieve increased business value by business process standardization are provided.
Business process standardization, Business value, Human resources information systems, Recruitment
Paper type:
Case study
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Trunk, N.
Do as your parents say? - Analyzing IT adoption influencing factors for full and under age applicants
Information Systems Frontiers (12:2), p. 169-183 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: B)
Weitzel, T., Eckhardt, A., and Laumer, S.
A Framework for Recruiting IT Talent: Lessons from Siemens
MIS Quarterly Executive (8:4), p. 123-197 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: B)
View AbstractRecruiting and attracting IT talent remains a challenge for IT executives and will once again come to the forefront as the world's economies begin to emerge from recession. As this happens, we expect skills shortages to rise up the IT management agenda, especially as the "baby boomer" generation begins to retire and as the number of computer science graduates reduces. To help IT recruiters face the challenges, we provide a four-quadrant framework that segments recruitment activities on two dimensions - the recruitment timescale and the scarcity of the skills required.
Based on the experiences of German industrial giant Siemens, we have identified the recruitment methods that can be applied in each quadrant and provide an indication of their relative costs. We conclude with eight recommendations for improving the recruitment of IT talent in an era when skilled people increasingly expect to be contacted - even wooed - by prospective employers rather actively searching for opportunities themselves.
Laumer, S., Maier, C., and Eckhardt, A.
Towards an Understanding of an Individual's Resistance to Use an IS - Empirical Examinations and Directions for Future Research
Proceedings of the 2009 Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT) (Pre-ICIS Workshop), Phoenix (AZ)
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Recruiting Trends 2009 Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus Österreich
Research Report. Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., and Eckhardt, A.
Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) (1:3), p. 263-265 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: B)
Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., and Eckhardt, A.
Laumer, S.
Non-monetary solutions for retaining the IT workforce
Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Francisco (CA)
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Who influences whom? - Analyzing workplace referents' social influence on IT adoption and non-adoption
Journal of Information Technology (14.1), p. 11-24 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: A)
Laumer, S., and Eckhardt, A.
What makes the difference? - Introducing an integrated information system architecture for employer branding and recruiting
In: T. Bondarouk, H. Ruel, E. Oiry, and K. Guiderdoni (eds.): Handbook of Research on E-Transformation and Human Resources Management Technologies. Information Science Reference, Hershey (PA), 275-288
von Stetten, A., and von Westarp, F.
Elektronische Bewerbungen auf dem Vormarsch
Inline (24), 27
von Stetten, A., and von Westarp, F.
Internet-Kanäle dominieren
Persorama (2), 60-63
View AbstractWährend zunehmend mehr freie Stellen auf den Unternehmens-Webseiten und Internet-Stellenbörsen publiziert werden, sinkt die Zahl der Ausschreibungen in den Printmedien. Diese Ergebnisse resultieren aus der Studie «Recruiting Trends Schweiz - 2009» der Universitäten Bamberg und Frankfurt in Zusammenarbeit mit Monster.
von Stetten, A., and von Westarp, F.
Die Personalbeschaffung der 500 grössten Schweizer Unternehmen
Schweizer Arbeitgeber (11), 26-29
View AbstractWas sind die Innovationen und aktuellen Trends in der Personalbeschaffung von Schweizer Grossunternehmen? Dieser Frage geht die Studienreihe «Recruiting Trends Schweiz» seit 2007 mit jährlich durchgeführten Umfragen nach. Wie sieht es mit dem Personalbedarf in der heutigen wirtschaftlichen Situation aus und über welche Kanäle wird wo rekrutiert? Der vorliegende Artikel fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Studie zusammen.
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Status Quo and Trends in E-Recruiting - Results from an Empirical Analysis
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
von Stetten, A., and Beimborn, D.
Analyzing National Differences in IT Adoption between Culturally Close Countries - A Conceptual Model
Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Francisco (CA)
View AbstractCross-cultural research in IT adoption has so far most often concentrated on disparities in IT adoption between countries with highly different culture profiles. Instead, we argue that there are also differences between cultural closely related countries (which, e.g., are geographically close and share the same language) which need to be understood. The question raises whether the dimensions of culture applied in prior literature to analyze IT adoption in highly distinct cultures are sufficient for explaining the differences in a close culture context as well or whether a more differentiated model of cultural dimensions has to be drawn. Based on indicative results from a three-country comparison within Central Europe, we find substantial differences in adoption drivers (Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use) which seem to be impacted by "microcultural" disparities. As a consequence, we develop a conceptual model based on human values and cross-national differences in IT adoption which will allow us to analyze and explain these differences in future research.
von Stetten, A., Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., Weitzel, T., König, W., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2009 Schweiz - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus der Schweiz
Research Report, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Eckhardt, A.
An Integrated IT-Architecture for Talent Management and Recruitment
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), Milan, Italy
Laumer, S., and Eckhardt, A.
Help to find the Needle in a Haystack - Integrating Recommender Systems in a IT supported Staff Recruitment System
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Limerick, Ireland
Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., and Laumer, S.
Value Contribution of IT in Recruiting - A Multi-National Causal Analysis
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Limerick, Ireland
(Research in Progress)
View AbstractDespite an era of global recession qualified staff is still rare due to the demographical situation worldwide. Companies are forced to develop new cost saving recruitment strategies to ensure the necessary labor supply while recruitment budgets are pruned. In this area, the use of information technology creates interesting opportunities to contact candidates and process applications, not only more economically but also more quickly. The actual value of the contribution made by IT in HR is nevertheless still disputed. For this reason, we conducted an empirical analysis in three different countries examining the impact of IT on process performance determinants in staff recruitment. With the aid of three causal models for Germany, Austria and Switzerland we could confirm a positive impact of IT use on time and costs per hire as well on the overall recruitment process quality.
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz
Board Report, 46-48
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Recruiting Trends im Mittelstand 2009 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem deutschen Mittelstand
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Recruiting Trends 2009 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen in Deutschland sowie den Top-300-Unternehmen aus den Branchen Aerospace, Bildung und Erziehung sowie Transport und Logistik
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
von Stetten, A., Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Keim, T.
Does IT matter in recruiting - Eine länderübergreifende Kausalanalyse
Proceedings of the 9. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wien, ÖsterreichNominated for Young-Researcher-Award
View AbstractDer weltweit fortschreitende Fachkräftemangel fordert von Unternehmen, neue Strategien für ihre Personalbeschaffung zu entwerfen. Dabei bietet der Einsatz von Informationssystemen eine interessante Möglichkeit, nicht nur günstiger, sondern auch schneller Kontakt zu qualitativ hochwertigen Kandidaten herzustellen. Nachwievor ist der tatsächliche Wertbeitrag von IS jedoch umstritten. Aus diesem Grund wird im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit mit Hilfe eines Kausalmodells für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz empirisch belegt, dass der Einsatz von Informationssystemen in der Personalbeschaffung einen positiven Einfluss auf Rekrutierungszeit, -kosten und die Qualität des Personalbeschaffungsprozesses hat.
Eckhardt, A., and Laumer, S.
An IT-Architecture to Align E-Recruiting and Retention Processes
International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (1:2), p. 38-61 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: k.R.)
Laumer, S., von Stetten, A., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Online Gaming to Apply for Jobs - the Impact of Self- and E-Assessment on Staff Recruitment
Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Big Island (HI)
View AbstractThe process of recruiting employees has changed since the internet entered enterprises. From simply posting job ads and information on the internet to online application forms and holistic e-recruiting system architectures the way of recruiting has changed a lot. With the introduction of virtual worlds and the increasing number of online games this paper is discussing the next step of e-recruiting: online games to apply for jobs. With a single explorative case study the implementation of self- and e-assessment as online games could be explained. Furthermore with an SEM based on the empirical data of a survey with the Fortune 1,000 companies in Germany (response rate 19.1%) evidence for the motivation of companies to use online games can be provided. Perceived quality improvements, perceived cost savings and perceived time savings as well as perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are the most important drivers for companies intending to use online games in staff recruitment.
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., von Stetten, A., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Bewerbungspraxis 2009 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 10.000 Stellensuchenden im Internet
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Hire Education For Firms - Successful IT Hires in Five Firms
Proceedings of the 14th SIM Academic Workshop (Pre-ICIS Workshop), Paris, France
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., Weitzel, T., König, W., and Lippert, J.
Recruiting Trends 2008 Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus Österreich
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
von Stetten, A., Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., Weitzel, T., König, W., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2008 Schweiz - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-500-Unternehmen aus der Schweiz
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
von Stetten, A., Münstermann, B., Eckhardt, A., and Laumer, S.
Towards an Understanding of the Business Value of Business Process Standardization - A Case Study Approach
Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Toronto, ON, Canada
View AbstractWhat is the business value of process standardization? Alongside the development of industrial engineering of information technology and of business process redesign studied by Davenport and Short (1990), and Davenport's approach defining business processes (Davenport, 2005), other researchers offer initial insights into business process standardization research opportunities (Venkatesh, 2006). Based on this new thinking about business process standardization, this paper presents a step towards understanding the business value of business process standardization. A single case study with a global operating company was conducted to show how a successful standardized business process and a supporting information system can impact the process performance in terms of cost, time and quality. The process studied within the case study is the company-wide recruiting process. As the results indicate, the company has improved the overall process performance. The results provide an initial insight into an understanding of the business value of process standardization.
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Recruiting IT Professionals in a Virtual World
Proceedings of the 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Suzhou, China
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Reconsidering Subjective Norm - A Multilayer-Framework for Modeling Normative Beliefs in IT Adoption
Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Toronto, ON, Canada
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., and Weitzel, T.
Do as your Competitors Do? - Analyzing Competitors' Influence on the Non-Adoption of Information Systems In Organizations
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Galway, Ireland
Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Recruiting Trends im Mittelstand 2008 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem Deutschen Mittelstand
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Eckhardt, A., Laumer, S., Weitzel, T., and König, W.
Recruiting Trends 2008 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen in Deutschland sowie den Top-300-Unternehmen aus den Branchen Energieversorgung, Gesundheit und Wellness sowie Informationstechnologie
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T.
Recruiting Trends 2007
career service papers, Göttingen
Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., König, W., and Trunk, N.
Bewerbungspraxis 2008 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 10.000 Stellensuchenden im Internet
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Eckhardt, A., König, W., and Weitzel, T.
Recruiting Trends 2007 European Union - An empirical survey with the top 1,000 enterprises in the EU
Research Report, Goethe-University Frankfurt on the Main and Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Malinowski, J., Weitzel, T., and Keim, T.
Decision support for team staffing: An automated relational recommendation approach
Decision Support Systems (DSS) (45:3), p.429-477 (VHB-JOURQUAL 3 Rating: B)
View AbstractSelecting individuals for teams is only rarely supported by Information Systems. Existing systems only consider whether a person has the required technical skills and abilities for a job. Another important aspect is neglected - the match between the person and the team members in terms of interpersonal compatibility. We present a decision support system based on a relational recommendation approach for providing an automated pre-selection of candidates that fit best with future team members. The relational recommender contributes to theory by proposing an IS-supported relational approach to team staffing and to practice by offering time and cost savings for HR professionals.
Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T., König, W., and Buschbacher, J.
How to Convince People who don't Like IT to Use IT - A Case Study On eRecruiting
Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Keystone (CO)
Keim, T., and Weitzel, T.
The Adoption of HRIS for Personnel Recruitment
In: T. Torres and M. Arias: Encyclopedia of HRIS: Challenges in e-HRM, Idea Group
Eckhardt, A., König, W., Weitzel, T., von Stetten, A., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2007 Schweiz - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus der Schweiz
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Eckhardt, A., König, W., Weitzel, T., and von Stetten, A.
Recruiting Trends 2007 Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus Österreich
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Eckhardt, A., König, W., Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2007 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen in Deutschland sowie mit Unternehmen aus dem Mittelstand und ausgesuchten Branchen
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Eckhardt, A., König, W., Keim, T., Weitzel, T., Villa, D., and von Westarp, F.
Bewerbungspraxis 2007 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 11.000 Stellensuchenden im Internet
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Keim, T., and Weitzel, T.
Strategies for Hiring IT Professionals: An Empirical Analysis of Employer and Job Seeker Behavior on the IT Labor market
Proceedings of the 12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Acapulco, Mexico
Keim, T., König, W., Weitzel, T., and von Westarp, F.
Bewerbungs- und Recruiting-Trends in der Finanzbranche - Aktuelle Ergebnisse empirischer Studien
Growing Talents! Herausforderungen des HR-Managements in der Finanzindustrie (Tagungsband zur gleichnamigen Konferenz am 5. April 2006 in Frankfurt am Main), Frankfurt am Main
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Building HR Decision Support: Insights from Empirical Research
Proceedings of the 2006 Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA), Washington D.C., USA
Keim, T., König, W., von Westarp, F., and Weitzel, T.
Recruiting Trends 2006 - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Top-1.000-Unternehmen in Deutschland und von 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem Mittelstand
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Malinowski, J., Keim, T., Wendt, O., and Weitzel, T.
Matching People and Jobs: A Bilateral Recommendation Approach
Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai (HI)
View AbstractRecommendation systems are widely used on the Internet to assist customers in finding the products or services that best fit with their individual preferences. While current implementations successfully reduce information overload by generating personalized suggestions when searching for objects such as books or movies, recommendation systems so far cannot be found in another potential field of application: the personalized search for subjects such as applicants in a recruitment scenario. Theory shows that a good match between persons and jobs needs to consider both, the preferences of the recruiter and the preferences of the candidate. Based on this requirement for modeling bilateral selection decisions, we present an approach applying two distinct recommendation systems to the field in order to improve the match between people and jobs. Finally, we present first validation test runs from a student experiment showing promising results.
Keim, T., König, W., Weitzel, T., Fritsch, K., and von Westarp, F.
Bewerbungspraxis 2006 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 10.000 Stellensuchenden im Internet
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Malinowski, J., Keim, T., Weitzel, T., and Wendt, O.
Decision Support for Team Building: Incorporating Trust into a Recommender-Based Approach
Proceedings of the 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Bangkok, Thailand
View AbstractIn this paper we present a novel automated recommendation approach to support the selection of individuals to teams. Recent organizational trends show an increasing importance of team-based work structures and more and more companies use this team-focused structure with the hope to increase organizational effectiveness.
Whereas traditional selection systems are focused on finding a match between job requirements and individuals' abilities, these systems need to be changed in order to reflect the enhanced requirements when selecting individuals to work in teams. This is important as teamwork requires interaction among its members and not just co-action.
Our approach is therefore based on two dimensions. First, people need to be matched to jobs for which they possess the right knowledge, skills and abilities to fulfill all tasks. Second, people need to fit with the other people they are supposed to work with in terms of interpersonal compatibility.
Based on an adapted probabilistic latent aspect model and a trust computational model we present a first prototype aiming to support the systematic selection of individuals to form effective teams.
Malinowski, J., Keim, T., and Weitzel, T.
Analyzing the Impact of IS Support on Recruitment Processes: An E-Recruitment Phase Model
Proceedings of the 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Bangkok, Thailand
View AbstractThe skills and abilities of a company's employees are a prerequisite for the enterprise to be innovative. In case the know-how needed to accomplish certain tasks is not available internally or cannot be developed within reasonable time, the company needs to address to the external labor market, e.g. by recruiting experts possessing the skill sets required. However, for rare candidate profiles there exists intense competition on the labor market. Thus, the ability to act within short periods of time when interacting with candidates becomes crucial. In the past, multiple elements of IS support provided many different benefits to improve the recruitment process. However, little research to date exists on what forms of IS support are adapted for what application scenarios within the recruitment arena. Therefore, this paper analyzes how the recruitment process can be optimized and what different levels of E-Recruitment adoption can be identified. We present results from quantitative and qualitative research showing that E-Recruitment functionality can be found in most companies nowadays ranging from isolated solutions for singular activities to integrated end-to-end solutions. Based on these findings we derive managerial guidelines for the management of projects in the E-Recruitment field.
Keim, T., Malinowski, J., and Weitzel, T.
Bridging the Assimilation Gap: A User-Centered Approach to IT-Adoption in Corporate HR Processes
Proceedings of the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Omaha (NE)
Keim, T., König, W., von Westarp, F., Wendt, O., and Weitzel, T.
Recruiting Trends 2005 - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Top-1.000-Unternehmen in Deutschland und von 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem Mittelstand
Frankfurt am Main
Keim, T., and Weitzel, T.
An Integrated Framework for Online Partnership-Building
Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Big Island (HI)
View AbstractResearch in information sciences in recent years has dealt with how to support collaborative work across time,
space and organizational boundaries. However, this research neglected the question of how information systems can contribute right at the beginning of virtual work in the design phase of the team. Team configuration can be modeled as a two-dimensional matching problem: individuals need to be brought together (1) with tasks for which they posses the competencies to carry them out and (2) with other individuals with whom they are able to collaborate successfully. It is understood that multiple dimensions of human as well as social capital and here especially of trust play an important role in the
underlying decision process. Based on existing research in multiple fields we develop a framework permitting to
establish successful virtual partnership. We present an
implementation of this framework together with first promising validation results of the approach chosen.
Keim, T., König, W., and von Westarp, F.
Bewerbungspraxis 2005 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 11.000 Stellensuchenden im Internet
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Keim, T., König, W., Weitzel, T., Wendt, O., and von Westarp, F.
Recruiting Trends 2004 - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Top-1.000-Unternehmen in Deutschland und von 1.000 Unternehmen aus dem Mittelstand
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Keim, T., König, W., and von Westarp, F.
Bewerbungspraxis 2004 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 6.000 Stellensuchenden im Internet
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Färber, F., Keim, T., and Weitzel, T.
An Automated Recommendation Approach to Personnel Selection
Proceedings of the 9th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Tampa (FL)
Färber, F., Keim, T., Wendt, O., and Weitzel, T.
A Model-based Approach to Recommending Partners
Proceedings of the 6. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Dresden
View AbstractSearching for and selecting qualified partners is a core task in many business contexts. Empirical research among Germany's top 1,000 firms discloses that internet-based platforms are effectively used as a personnel marketing channel but cannot increase the matching quality between jobs and candidates. Using erecruitment as an example, we show how the matching quality can be substantially improved by means of a probabilistic latent aspect model developed in this paper. The underlying method incorporates findings from collaborative filtering
and hybrid approaches to automated recommendation and is based on a model of personal attributes derived from research on team building and work psychology.
Keim, T., Färber, F., and Weitzel, T.
Enhancing Partner Matching with Recommender Systems
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Naples, Italy
(Research in Progress)
View AbstractCollaboration is vital for the survival of companies in today's fast moving economy and, therefore, finding and matching partners is an important task. This is true for many different scenarios ranging from companies building consortiums over organizations frequently staffing project teams to the recruitment of new employees. An empirical survey among the Top 1000 companies in Germany on state-of-the-art recruitment practices shows that the Internet is already heavily used to attract and identify large sets of potential partners or applicants. However, the selection of the most suitable candidates from this pool by predicting the quality of the resulting partnership is only merely supported by information technology. Building on existing research in the fields of team building and information systems, we first outline the enhanced information requirements for online partner matching compared to partner information currently available on the Internet. Based on this, we then delineate how recommendation systems can assist in improving matching quality by incorporating relational information when bringing partners together online.
Färber, F., Keim, T., König, W., von Westarp, F., Weitzel, T., and Wendt, O.
Recruiting Trends 2003 - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Top-1.000-Unternehmen in Deutschland
Research Report, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
View AbstractDie Ansprache potenzieller neuer Mitarbeiter ist durch den Einsatz moderner Technologien und durch die vielfältigen Änderungen am Arbeitsmarkt
großen Veränderungen unterworfen.
Die Studie "Recruiting Trends 2003" der Universität Frankfurt und TMP Worldwide/Monster Deutschland zeigt, dass einige Unternehmen mit dem Einsatz
innovativer Instrumente zur webgestützten Personalsuche bereits erste Erfolge erzielen konnten. So wurden Kosteneinsparungen von bis zu 50 % realisiert. Und die Reichweite der Personalmarketingmaßnahmen erhöhte sich signifikant. Die vorliegende Studie bietet Ihnen über unsere
wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen hinaus anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis einen Einblick in die Strategien der Zukunft für moderne